Have someone you trust and that will be with you all day, gather the items for you and keep them with her during the day, just in case. You want to cover all bases, but you don’t want your friend carrying around a huge bag all day. I broke things down into "must-haves" and "optional".
Must Have on Hand:
Pain medication (Tylenol, Aspirin, etc.)
Eye Drops
Make-up for touch-ups
Hair Comb/Brush
Hair Pins
Perfume and deodorant
Nail polish, file and glue
Hair Spray
Extra earring backs
Hand Sanitizer/Wipes
Safety Pins
Stain Remover
Breath Mints
Cell Phone
Wallet with extra cash
For Your Dressing Room:
Curling iron and/or straightening iron
Wrinkle-out spray
Tampons/Sanitary Napkins
Dental Floss
Easy to carry snacks (like granola bars)
Hollywood Fashion Tape (to keep strapless dress in place)
Extra contact lenses and solution
Mini sewing kit with buttons to match your dress
Comfortable shoes (to change into during dancing)
White Gaffer’s tape (to patch tears in your dress)

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